Saturday, March 7, 2009

Writing The Grind

A new blog, a new day - this will be the space where I record my thoughts as I learn to write freelance for the game industry. Having lived with game designers for the last four years, and having dated another for the last 18 months, I feel as if I've been given a close look at the processes that go into designing a video game. On any platform, the amount of work that goes into such a project can be truly staggering - even for the simplest of games.

The people who work on these projects are all very talented. Their skills as artists, programmers, producers and designers all trump mine, easily. However, there is one area of skill in which I see a weakness. Without strong writing, many games are doomed to failure.

Regardless of the scope - whether the words compose something as simple as an instruction page, or as complex as an entire game script - weak language will confuse or disinterest a player more often than not. It is my hope that I can use my skills as a writer to improve several projects, and that I might write about what I learn here. In this way, I hope to build experience working in the game industry, and refine my talents at the same time.

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